Calgary clinic charging membership fees runs contrary to Canada Health Act: Health Canada [View all]
Health Canada says it has written to Alberta officials to inform them that the ability for patients "to purchase preferential access" at a Calgary clinic runs contrary to the Canada Health Act.
"We are working collaboratively with the province of Alberta to ensure the clinic's patients continue to receive medically necessary services free of patient charges," the government department wrote in an email.
On Monday, CBC News reported that a Calgary clinic had told its members that it would be moving to a membership model.
The pricing under that model, shared with CBC News, was listed as $4,800 per year for a two-parent family membership, covering two adults and their dependent children.
Other memberships included a $2,400-per-year membership that covers one adult and their dependent children, and $2,200 per year for an individual adult membership.
Good! This kind of crap being pulled by this clinic is total bs and goes against everything the Health Act was put in place to do.