Oh how precious have we become. [View all]
I watched Q & A last night and a woman from the audience asked what the Gillard government is going to do for all the people who are "hurting out there". She mentioned that with all the new taxes and high interest rates that have come about since Labor has been in power, they just can't manage.
Am I that out of touch? What new taxes is she talking about? Is it the Flood Levy? Is it the means testing on the health rebate? It cant be the mining tax because that hasn't happened yet and its only the mining companies that are taxed. It can't be the price on carbon because that hasn't happened yet either. I've come to the conclusion that if you tell someone often enough that they're doing it tough, they start to believe it. My husband and I are on a pension and we live within our means. We have occasional holidays and outings and we enjoy life to the utmost.
Tony Abbott knows that if he says something over and over again, it reinforces it as truth in the simple minds of the ones who are listening. "The Labor Government is a toxic government". "Julia Gillard is a liar". "Another great big new tax". "People are doing it tough out there". "This is the most disfunctional government in Australia's history".
It's about time a lot of people took a reality check and see how people are coping in other countries, thanks to the GFC. These people should take a holiday in Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Ireland or even the USA and they will soon see which side their bread is buttered on.