Million times, Mind is comprised of Brain + Soul input. In some, the soul is developed enough to get through to the self centered brain and affect decision making. But for a lot, the egotistical brain dominates and that can spell trouble since everyone's putting himself and his wants first. The soul isn't able to contribute its social consciousness. But all is not lost. Social norms and generally accepted standards, working from the outside, can function as surrogate soul to influence Mind. Balanced behavior is possible even with a mustard-seed-size soul.
UNLESS, society has broken down or adopted self centeredness as acceptable or even the preferred norm. In the US, freedom has become an acceptable societal goal or standard. Unfortunately, freedom isn't a societal equivalent to soul. Equality is, because equality benefits others and everyone, as soul input would. Our rugged individualism doesn't replace soul to balance brain. Our materialism as a society obfuscates soul values. It is completely possible in a misguided society that noncriminal psychopaths and sociopaths would be admired for their self-serving dedication to achieving their goals.
People must learn those qualities which produce a beneficial, happy, healthy society vs. those qualities which produce dissention, unhappiness, frustration, violence. This could be approached in schools and we could use the old term, civics.