but I'm probably looking at it partly from a female perspective. I have followed Julia's career from when she took her seat of Lalor when Barry Jones left parliament. She has always been an outstanding parliamentarian and I knew she was going places.
I dont think Rudd would have won the 2010 election. There was discussion at the time about putting it off for as long as possible because the polls were so bad. I'm sure Julia didn't initiate the idea of ousting Rudd all on her own, and if she hadn't taken on Kevin, then somebody else probably would have. I was talking to an ex member of his caucus only a few hours ago and this person reiterated what has been common knowledge about him for a long time. Mainly concerning is nasty disposition. He might be a good campaigner, but I can see a slime-ball on the inside.
I dont think he could change his ways and I couldn't support him in an election campaign. He has put his ambitions well ahead of the party. If he did what was good for the party he wouldn't have sabotaged the election campaign and he wouldn't have white-anted the government.
It may be a better outcome if Malcolm Turnbull was PM and not Tony Abbott, but it wouldn't be a good outcome.
The biggest mistake the party has made in the last 10 years, is voting Rudd as leader of the party. With the "Your rights at work" campaign in 2007, the proverbial drover's dog would have won.