Sublette County Denies Resort Expansion For Wall Street Billionaire Joe Ricketts [View all]
Sublette County Denies Resort Expansion For Wall Street Billionaire Joe Ricketts
Published on March 13, 2023March 13, 2023 in Economic development/News/Tourism
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By Jake Nichols, Cowboy State Daily
The sleepy agricultural enclave of Bondurant, along with the Upper Hoback Valley and the rest of Sublette County in west-central Wyoming, is situated close enough to Jackson Hole to feel the heat shimmering off its
blistering real estate market.
By intention, the loose-knit community has shunned the brand of boujee that has Jackson Hole overrun with tourists the Travel & Tourism Board Joint Powers Board in Teton County has altered its message in an attempt to attract fewer bodies and larger billfolds.
They call it sustainable visitation.
Bondurant buckaroos want nothing to do with it.
Left: Joe Ricketts (AP File Photo). Right: A map showing property owned by Joe Ricketts south of Bondurant, Wyoming.