Should Washington require headlights 24 hours a day on highways? [View all]
OLYMPIA State lawmakers are exploring a bill to require drivers to keep their headlights on 24 hours a day.
The law on the books now requires headlights to stay on a half hour before sunset and a half-hour after sunrise, keeping lights on during dark hours.
Senate Bill 6288, sponsored by Sen. John Lovick, D-Mill Creek, would make drivers on state highways have them on at all times. Prior to joining the Legislature, Lovick spent three decades patrolling highways as a state trooper with the Washington State Patrol. Later he served as the Snohomish County sheriff.
Sen. Sharon Shewmake, D-Bellingham, spoke on Lovicks behalf at a public hearing Thursday. She said the change would make cars more visible to pedestrians and cyclists.
When I worked for GTE/Verizon/Frontier (The various names for the company when I worked there) we were required to have our headlights on when driving a company vehicle. I'm not sure how this requirement will play with the public at large.