social scientists (young ones) are arguing that it's an orientation. They suggest it cannot be changed, like any other sexual orientation.
I do not agree (the suggestion makes me a tiny bit angry). I think they are putting their own ideological cart before the horse (it's just a bias they have.....and they look for qualitative proof of their bias).
IMO, these (mostly) men have gone off the rails for some reason (trauma of their own, most likely). That has been my experience, anyway. (Very few trauma/violence survivors become sexual abusers themselves - of course - but those that DO abuse, ime, are all trauma/violence survivors).
My proof is that has been true in my clinical experience. Without question - always true. But that's not quite proof, is it?
I would also say- from an evolutionary perspective - I fail to see this as an 'orientation'. humans evolved to protect their children. Not harm them.
But be very clear that this is a VERY debated topic atm in academia. I spent a good hour reading through a god awful dissertation that asserted the orientation argument. It was a qualitative dissertation...........(sigh).