Then I also see the Texas A&M logo everywhere. It has smaller font sizes of A and M on either side of a larger T. However, the joke at rival University of Texas is to draw an "E" on either side of the "A" and "M" so that the vandalized logo says "EAT ME" instead.
I always favored Texas over A&M in the rivalries even though I have two Aggie brother-in-laws (one deceased). I went to college in Georgetown which only 25 miles north of Austin and was even offered a scholarship at Texas, but chose Southwestern instead and lived in Austin for 13 yeas after graduation. Looking back I question the decision to attend Southwestern at times, because if I went to Texas I would have either become a chemical engineer or I would have washed out and been a drug addict. I have an addictive personality and the ease of finding drugs and the "wrong crowd" around the UT campus during the 1980s was astonishing. Making the transition away from living with my parents was easier at Southwestern because of the religious affiliation, small enrollment (1,000 students), and small town life (9,000) so maintaining a good reputation was important.