Juanita Jean has had to deal with the tea party idiot who founded this group https://juanitajean.com/true-the-vote/
This will not be the first time, or even the third or eighth time, you have read about Cathy Engelbrecht here at the beauty salon. Shes been on our radar for ten years when she was speaking in church basements and VFW halls in the Houston area, pushing the idea that its too damn easy to vote. She would get the attendees name and addresses, mostly very old people, and send them requests for money. She didnt like my questions and quickly named me that woman and told people I was a reporter as she rolled her eyes.
She had difficulty giving me any examples of the horror of illegal voting that she claimed was killing America. I could give her a couple of examples that happened right in her neighborhood, but they were both Republicans. She quickly informed me that she wasnt talking about just two people, she was talking about hundreds, thousands. She just didnt know any of them.
And then the third example hit. The Republican man she was personally supporting for county commissioner voted in two states for three elections and I had his signature to prove it. I wrote about it in the newspaper and he was defeated soundly.
I once described her as an attractive woman with a dollar sign on her forehead. She always had her hand out. She was far more concerned with raising money than illegal voting.
And now the Washington Post says shes being sued for taking $2 million from a donor and producing the same thing I saw her produce diddle squat.