I just learned that Pennsylvania gives Retired Persons a discount on vehicle registration [View all]
Those of us who are retired and on Social Security, may qualify for a discounted registration fee on our annual vehicle registration. The regular fee for non-retired owners is $45.00 plus whatever county fee that gets added. (In my county of Allegheny, we get an additional $5.00 tacked on.)
So if you're retired, collecting Social Security, and if your total annual gross income doesn't exceed $19,500, you can apply for a Retired Persons Vehicle Registration and pay only $11.00 annually.
I just learned of this when I went online to renew my vehicle registration.
More information can be found here: https://www.dmv.pa.gov/VEHICLE-SERVICES/Pages/Vehicle-Registration-Renewal.aspx
You need to apply for the revised status first, before you renew your registration. Here's where you get the form: http://www.dot.state.pa.us/Public/DVSPubsForms/BMV/BMV%20Forms/mv-371.pdf
(Note that there is a processing fee to change your status, but it's a one-time fee and after that you always pay $11.00 to renew your vehicle registration.)
Retired status fact sheet is here: http://www.dot.state.pa.us/Public/DVSPubsForms/BMV/BMV%20Fact%20Sheets/fs-rest.pdf