Warring Republicans handing Democrats a chance to win big in Ohio [View all]
The restless right wing of the Ohio Republican Party might care to keep one thing in mind (besides its eternal sense of victimhood): When the GOP splits, Democrats benefit.
True enough, some inside-the-GOP differences go back a long way. One faction call it cash-basis conservatives focuses on tax cuts, business profits and light-touch regulation.
The other faction call it the Bible-and-Beretta caucus wants to save souls between rounds of target practice. That sort-of-religious outlook is a perpetual eddy in the stream of Ohio Republican politics. Yesteryears key example was Prohibition. Todays is abortion.
The successful GOP politician is she or he who can successfully navigate through those two currents. Historically, Gov. Mike DeWine has been a skilled helmsman: Consistently right-to-life while also adhering to the James A. Rhodes school of economics that profit is not a dirty word in Ohio.