Local newspaper article on Casey Goodsons' death in Columbus [View all]
snip-"And it sure looks like this position is correct, judging by the inept handling of the response to central Ohio's latest killing of a Black man by law enforcement officers."
Inept? WTF]
snip-"In the days since Goodson's death, the involved or investigating agencies have said very little about the encounter, or entirely the wrong things. They also have bounced the investigation of the case around like they're playing hot potato, not impartially scrutinizing the death of a citizen at the hands of the state."
snip-"The city also tried to hand off the investigation to the state attorney general's office, which promptly said that it would not take over a probe in which it had missed the first three days. Then federal investigators announced they were joining in."
More at article
Columbus area law enforcement base had horrible deadly interactions with MOC.