Wake County parents urge school board not to require masks, as COVID cases rise in NC [View all]
RALEIGH -- Parents clashed over requiring masks in Wake County classrooms Tuesday, with a majority arguing against them as the school year nears close and COVID-19 cases rise.
Seven of 10 speakers urged Wake school board members to make masks optional when students return, and at least a dozen more cheered them from a nearby room as they watched the meeting via a live feed, chanting, No more masks!
Little children cant see smiles, said Chanel Marshall, a mental health therapist, her voice breaking. Little children are dying. They are having suicidal thoughts. I deal with these students every single day. Children need to have these masks removed. Its not OK.
Wednesday, Gov. Roy Cooper issued new guidelines for school districts, leaving it to them to issue their own requirements. But the guidelines emphasize that school districts should require masks indoors for all students and staff in elementary and middle schools, regardless of their vaccination status.
Read more: https://www.newsobserver.com/news/local/education/article252915073.html
(Raleigh News & Observer)