GOP has slight edge among older voters; Democrats have huge edge among younger ones [View all]
Independent voter registration has been climbing nationwide for decades. In Nevada, independent voters outnumber Republicans among voters under age 55. Of voters under age 35, independents dramatically outnumber Republicans in Nevada, roughly 182,000 to 103,000, according to the Nevada Secretary of States June voter registration report.
In total, Democrats had 649,101 voters, Republicans had 566,916, and independents accounted for 472,937. Another roughly 150,000 Nevadans are registered with assorted third parties.
Of Nevada registered voters aged 55 to 64, Republicans lead Democrats, 116,043 to 106,738. Among voters aged 65 and over, Republicans outnumber Democrats 175,969 to 162,2017.
Combine the two groups, and Republicans lead Democrats among voters 55 and over by about 23,000 voters.
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