going for her is that she actually meets with the voters. That really means something in MT, as it likely does in many other states.
Gianforte, like all current GOPers, is scared to death of meeting with actual voters. He went on a "listening tour" in 2017 before his felonious encounter with a reporter. But since then, he won't meet with constituents because of "security risks."
When pressed for an answer about a town hall meeting, the staffer put the caller on hold, presumably to check with a superior, before returning with the news that potential security threats prevented Gianforte from holding pre-announced and public meetings.
This is the Republican playbook today. Whether its EPA head Scott Pruitt concocting bogus stories about security risks to justify flying first class or a Congressman in one of the safest states in the country acting like hes too chicken shit afraid to meet with the people he pretends to represent, Republicans are making it clear that they have no interest in the concerns or opinions of the ordinary people who should be at the heart of our democratic decision-making and they have abandoned the ideal that government works best when those who represent us listen to us.