ICE wants access to Missoula County radio facility. [View all]
This made my blood run cold. Partly because it is ICE (no integrity) and also because I live at the base of the Rattlesnake mountains where the installation of their radio equipment is proposed. Once ICE is in the area, they will be here forever. They will use their own radio exclusive radio frequencies that are monitored by no one else. One Missoula County Commissioner is pushing back and I will be calling the others today to make my opinion known. Allowing ICE to use our radio equipment goes against the values that Missoula has defined for itself in recent years such as opposing a state legislature bill proposing a ban on sanctuary cities and the adoption of a resolution to join a Welcoming Communities Campaign to assist refugees in assimilation into this country.
I love Missoula and the proposition feels like such a violation. Im curious to know if ICE is infiltrating other border states/cities?