we're coming for your money. How much money do you need to live a dignified life and be happy. Let me guess. It's never enough, right? Like the rest of the .01%ers, your craving and greed is insatiable. Hey Dude, here's a clue -- greed is poison.
Of course, rather than waiting for us to get some of your money by raising your taxes, you could give some of it away to relieve the suffering of others. There's more than ample opportunity to earn moral merit and virtue by funding education, health research, environmental problems. Rumor has it that there are a lot of lead pipes in Flint MI, and young people eager to go to college and pay off college debt. There's probably some women's shelters in your state. And I'm certain that there are plenty of drug addicts, who are ready and eager to enter a sobriety program, if only there were some.
You might even discover that it is generosity, not greed, that creates joy and great satisfaction in life. But don't take my word for it. Ask Jimmy Carter. He seems really, really happy and fulfilled.