Because these groups are loosely coordinated, being able to dish out harsh sentences and lock people up who want to start another Civil War and have plotted to begin their part in it.....
IF THESE WERE MUSLIMS or BLM and they planned to kidnap a ReTHUG GOV..... how would the sentencing look?
Getting groups that plan to overthrow the government categorized as Domestic Terrorists and slamming them down hard will be a deterrent.
If those people who had "gone along with" the JAN 6 group even though they didn't plan on being violent, brought no guns etc....
IF THOSE people KNEW the groups leading them to the Capitol were classified as DOMESTIC TERRORISTS and anyone with them would get the FULL FORCE of the LAW brought down on them to protect the elected leaders trying to do their job...
IF they KNEW that in advance... would they have even showed up?
Having different views is one thing. We can free speech that.
BUT ONCE PEOPLE START BRINGING GUNS to the conversation.... it's NOT JUST TALK, it's coercion.
Having your own viewpoint is fine.
Demanding that everyone is required to have your viewpoint is another thing.