A snatch and grab can happen anywhere.
The plot may have been stupid and not fully thought out, but the intent was clearly there and worked on for a long time.
Adam Fox
Adam Fox was the mastermind of the plot.[46] He was born Adam Waggoner but changed his last name to his mother's maiden name in 2014.[47] He had been living in the basement of his former employer, a vacuum repair shop in Grand Rapids. Fox received permission for that living arrangement from the shop's owner who felt empathy towards Fox, as Fox was homeless and had dogs. The basement was used to hold multiple meetings discussing the plot.[48][49][50] Fox posted a YouTube video in June, mentioning Whitmer's handling of the pandemic as one of his motives for the plot.[2] According to his employer, Fox espoused anti-police and anti-government views, along with support for the boogaloo movement, and had recently become worried about the U.S. becoming a communist country and Democratic politicians taking away his guns.[49] Fox had previously been a member of another militia group called the Michigan Home Guard, but he was kicked out due to "rage issues" and threatening other members on social media.[19]
While under surveillance, Fox was recorded by the FBI as saying "Snatch and grab, man. Grab the fuckin governor. Just grab the bitch. Because at that point, we do that... its over" and "I want to have the governor hog-tied, laid out on a table, while we all pose around like we just made the worlds biggest goddamn drug bust, bro."[51]