3 things to know as Michigan moves to certify 2022 midterm election results [View all]
Detroit Free Press) Election Day in Michigan may have been weeks ago, but one more piece of business is left before its results can become official the Board of State Canvassers must canvass and certify the election.
The board has been around for close to 175 years, but its role in state elections can often fly under the radar. Here's a quick primer on the board's purpose and what we can expect at Monday's meeting:
What is the Board of State Canvassers?
The Board of State Canvassers is a four-member body comprised of two Republicans and two Democrats, all appointed by the governor. Canvassers serve staggered, four-year terms.
Board members are tasked with canvassing and certifying, or making official, statewide elections, which is what's on their agenda for Monday. The board also has other duties, including conducting recounts for state-level offices when necessary, canvassing petitions for statewide candidates and ballot initiatives, adopting the ballot language for such petition initiatives and approving which electronic voting systems can be used in Michigan. ......................(more)