Tudor Dixon's "small business" is driving US refractory manufacturers out of business [View all]
During last nights gubernatorial debate, GOP nominee Tudor Dixon asserted that a difference between her and Gov. Gretchen Whitmer was that Dixon was a small business owner, whose company had been crushed during the pandemic by Whitmers Covid policies.
Curious, I decided to look into Dixons small business. Heres what I learned
Dixons business, Cornerstone Foundry Supply (CFS), manufactures nothingits a reseller of imported ceramic parts from the Czech Republic and Italy. Its also really smallfrom its inception in 2015 until 2021, the company employed exactly 1 person; then in 2021 the payroll increased to 3 employees in total. Which also calls into question Dixons claim that Gov. Whitmers Covid policies crushed her business.
Now, I just happen to know a fair number of ceramic engineers, so when I learned that Tudor Dixons small business got crushed during the pandemic, I was intrigued.