Fort Wayne schools exceed Indianapolis schools enrollment [View all]
There must be some really interesting demographics behind this stat. Indianapolis is the largest city in the state with a city population of 829,718 while Fort Wayne is the second largest city with a city population of only 253,691. Yet it's projected that Fort Wayne Community Schools will exceed Indianapolis Public Schools enrollment this year.
Preliminary numbers show Fort Wayne Community Schools will be the largest school district in Indiana, passing Indianapolis Public Schools by about 500 students. Although final enrollment numbers will not be confirmed until later this year, initial figures reported Friday showed FWCS with an enrollment of 30,622 and IPS with 30,128.
So, are Summit City residents spawning at over three times
* the rate of the Circle City? Or is Indy's population aging much faster than the City of Churches'? Maybe Indianapolis' school system sucks so much that anyone who can afford to is sending their kids outside the district or to charter and private schools?
*0.121 pupils per resident for Fort Wayne, versus 0.036 pupils per resident for Indianapolis.