A US State with Zero Republicans in Office - The State of Illinois. Think about this.
I thought about it: it's 100% wrong. There are 47 Republican members of the Illinois House, and 19 Republican Senators; and the people elected a Republican, Mark Kirk, as US Senator. The State of Illinois Comptroller is Judy Baar Topinka, a Republican; and Dan Rutherford, the State Treasurer--he's Republican, too. I could look further, but I think we've already proved this statement totally false.
There are more people on welfare in Illinois than there are people working.
This is something in one of those viral emails that can be easily googled as false. It's a distortion of a Forbes article that discussed people "dependent on government," not people "on welfare." This could mean a retired Republican state senator receiving a pension--if you want to say he's on welfare, fine. But it's not accurate.
Baldwins definition of individuals dependent on government is stated incorrectly in the viral email as simply those on welfare. Baldwin wrote that, among the dependents, he included current state and local government employees, as well as former workers receiving government pensions. And he only counted Medicaid recipients as those on welfare. And none of the 11 states on his list has more Medicaid recipients than workers. Also, none of the states has more recipients of other kinds of welfare, such as TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) or food stamps (officially known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program).
Baldwin told us in an interview that what he reported and what the email says are not the same thing at all.
Chicago pays the highest wages to teachers than anywhere else in the U.S. averaging $110,000/year.
Well, first check your grammar, dodo. But also your facts. According to CPS, Chicago Public School teachers average salary is $74,839.
Hey, ask this person to fact check their own bullshit. I've got better stuff to do than respond to lies.