his followers interested.
Jones for got a key difference between attacking a politician and attacking a private company, it's called Libel and Slander! You can go much farther in what you say about a politician or other public figure, the standard is much higher for the victim to meet.
A private company or individual being alleged to have committed a crime when they had not, has a lower standard of proof to meet to prove libel or slander. Plus, when the libel or slander is accusing them of a crime, damages are presumed! That means the victim doesn't have to prove it hurt them (caused financial damages by hurting their reputation).
The burden of proof for a victim of libel or slander, not accusing of a crime, but let's say it harms their reputation. The victim must prove the statement when made was untrue and the person making the statement knew it was not true or was very reckless and not caring whether it was true or not. But then they must prove it caused them harm financially. The non-crime allegations require two hurdles to overcome where the allegations the victim committed a crime only have to prove the person uttering the untruth knew or should have know the falsity of what they were writing or saying.
Alex Jones cannot say whatever the Hell he wants about private citizens or businesses as he has just discovered. I hope they made him pay through the nose!!!