I miss it every second that I'm in California. If not for the job I'd be gone. This place had turned into a cesspool. No money for schools, Taxes -- expensive even if your rich. Sales taxes ~10% with increases in the works -- doesn't sound progressive to me. Gas prices 2nd highest in the nation. Cost of living outrageous. Median home price in Sonoma county $340,000 -- more expensive further south. Gangs out the wa zoo. Can't hike in the national forests without potentially running into a MJ grow and possibly getting shot (Mexican Drug Cartels). Measuring distance in hours not miles -- traffic sucks. Life runs a thousand miles a minute unless you're stuck on a freeway then it's a thousand minutes to the mile.
Convince us to save water but when we do they raise the prices because we don't use enough to cover the fixed costs (bureaucracy).
Good points: beautiful weather, lots to do, great scenery, good golf courses (if you can afford them), very progressive.
Idaho has the same Federal background check laws as the rest of the country. Some states are a little more strict (California) but the federal (Interstate) laws are the same.
I guess the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.
Take Care