From the MySafeFlorida program.
"Congratulations! Your application has been approved for a free wind inspection under the recently amended My Safe Florida Home (MSFH) Program. The Florida Legislature expanded eligibility for home inspections for townhouses starting July 1, 2023. The approved inspection company named below has just been assigned to you and will be reaching out to you shortly.
Please note: any work paid for, begun or completed prior to grant approval will be ineligible for reimbursement.
You will need to use one of our approved contractors for the eligible upgrades.
If you qualify, you will receive a list of our approved contractors upon grant approval.
After your inspection report has been uploaded by your assigned inspection company, please allow a few weeks for our team to review and process your inspection report. You will be notified via email when the next step of your application is ready to be completed. Your case will be placed in a queue and processed in the order in which it was received. Not all applicants who have received an inspection through the MSFH program will be eligible for a grant. Funding is limited and the MSFH Program cannot guarantee grant funds to all inspection recipients."
I'm curious if one of their "approved contractors" is overpriced compared to others.