If they are undocumented, they are probably terrified to reach out for help.
Is there a community center for their ethnicity? They will not only be able to communicate with them but might very well have others willing to provide at least part of the resources they need. Maybe someone has an extra room?
Also, think of social service and disaster relief agencies as mostly providing specific types of help, so when you call ask what resources they have to help people.
Salvation Army might have clothing & food, while Catholic Charities might be able to help with deposits to help them get utilities set up in their new apartment, etc. etc.
Also ask if there are churches providing any sort of assistance. Some might know of families with an extra room where your tenants can stay & get hot meals.
Social services is a huge network & they know who has what to offer.
Yikes! The toxins on that beach must be horrific. I hope employers are providing the appropriate protective equipment to workers!
My heart goes out to them.
Ty for reaching out to help them!