Leaks, cracks, filth stain State Capitol building [View all]
HARTFORD Your State Capitol is crumbling.
It isnt about to fall down, but the High Victorian Gothic monument to the Civil War is suffering from decades of deferred maintenance, and needs tens of millions of dollars in rehabilitation.
The 257-foot-tall, gold-domed National Historic Landmark requires new gas-fed boilers for the upper stories. Repairs to the ornate capitals, atop the exterior Corinthian columns, have separated further since the last time they were sealed over 30 years ago. Interior columns are showing rust stains.
Air pollution has badly stained the marble and soft-granite exterior that requires special care when cleaning. A few of the outside architectural flourishes, called medallions, have broken off the building over the years. Exterior stone is literally decomposing.
Window frames are cracked and theres a pesky, mysterious water leak inside, on the fifth floor, which has perplexed building officials for years. The wooden flag pole in the center of the building is slightly bent.
Read more: https://www.ctpost.com/politics/article/Leaks-cracks-filth-stain-State-Capitol-building-13726629.php