Heard T R Reid Tues. night [View all]
in Boulder on universal health coverage. I have followed him for many years on NPR, his PBS documentaries and books on medical care around the world. Does an excellent job explaining US health care with other nations and the best way it can be reformed.
In 2009 a universal health care proposal was introduced in the Colorado Legislature and with passage of the ACA in 2010 Colorado is the first state in the nation to design our own health care financial system using the employer/employee system already in place. Reid and many others have been working for 6 years to bring ColoradoCare as a citizens' initiative to be placed on the ballot in 2016. Volunteers are working now to have enough signatures on the petitions.
The goal is to bring quality, efficient health care to every person in Colorado at cheaper rates and not dictated by insurance companies. It will work and it can be done. I hope all Coloradans will learn more about ColoradoCare and that we will lead the nation in bringing about universal health care.