Recall Candidate John Cox Served Court Subpoena While On Stage At Sacramento Debate
Cox served over refusal to pay $100,000 for political ads following Gubernatorial loss in 2018
By Evan Symon, August 18, 2021
During a recall candidate debate at the Sacramento Guild Theater on Tuesday, 2018 GOP Gubernatorial candidate John Cox was served with a subpoena while onstage.
Cox had just been asked to go into his opening remarks of the debate when a man, later identified as private investigator Aman Choudhry, approached the stage. Choudry proceeded to yell, “John Cox, you’ve been served by the San Diego County Superior Court, ordered by the Judge,” and threw the subpoena on the stage.
Rather than spark an argument, Cox went seamlessly into his remarks while Choudhry was escorted away and asked to leave. Cox, who was joined at the Sacramento Press Club sponsored debate by former San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer and Assemblyman Kevin Kiley (R-Rocklin), did not address the incident during the debate and only briefly addressed the incident to the press at the end of the night.
“It’s one creditor who didn’t get paid from the 2018 campaign because he didn’t deserve to be,” Cox said after the debate.
The incident in question came from Cox refusing to pay political advertising firm Sandler Innocenzi around $100,000 for an ad created and aired during his 2018 run for Governor against now-Governor and subject of the 2021 recall election Gavin Newsom. An arbitrator and judge had earlier ruled that Cox had to pay the $100,000 owed in February 2020. But Cox’s insistence for not paying the amount dragged things out, leading to the subpoena ordering him to pay the amount owed being issued by the San Diego County Superior Court.