Hand-counting of ballots in Arizona county deemed illegal (Cochise) [View all]
Supervisors in a southern Arizona county said Tuesday they are intent on voting on a proposal to hand-count all ballots cast in Novembers election, despite repeated warnings from their lawyer that the plan would be illegal.
Deputy Cochise County attorney Christine Roberts repeatedly told the supervisors that state law does not give them the authority to conduct a full hand count of ballots cast by the countys 87,000 voters, and even if it did, it isnt legal to change election procedures this close to an election.
She may be able to prevent them from moving forward. The county attorneys office must approve items before they are placed on a supervisors meeting agenda, County Administrator Rich Karwaczka told Votebeat after the meeting.
The county attorney would block something they believe is unlawful, he said, adding that allowing a vote on an illegal proposal would increase the countys liability and risk.
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