I was in Seattle in 1999, part of the most peaceful, most awesome protest I've ever been in, trying to stop the WTO, and they tear-gassed us and beat us and jailed us, and then portrayed a police riot as a protestor riot!
And the corpo-fascist media went right along. No surprise there, I guess. The President who was in town, and whom we were protesting, for selling the American peoples' sovereignty right down the river, was Bill Clinton.
Eye-opening for the 50,000 people in that protest, and others who may have understood what was going on--but most Americans were given very calculated disinformation about it, across the board in all corporate media, and even in some leftist publications like the Village Voice.
THAT Clinton policy was emblematic of all that followed, to the Crash of '08. And THAT protest was emblematic of the Clintons' opinion of "the rabble" who have had to live out the nightmare of "neo-liberalism" followed by the second nightmare of the Bush junta.
That "rabble" included Steelworkers, Postal workers, teachers' unions, just about every environmental group in the country, anti-sexism protestors, anti-racism protesters, and all kinds of ordinary people who belong to such groups or just came on their own.
Time for a big, big change! I hope we Democrats put up an honest and very smart New Dealer, Bernie Sanders, to implement fundamental change. He is the only one who can beat Trump, who is trying to turn the unrest of "the rabble" into national fascism. Sanders beats him by 12 pts in current national polls; Hillary by half that and she loses to Cruz and Rubio, while Sanders beats ALL Republicans.
BIG change. FUNDAMENTAL change. A new assessment of every trade agreement and every federal policy. Only Bernie Sanders will do that.