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What's happening in your neck of the woods?
I've been back on eBay for a few weeks now, and also trying out Etsy for a spin. They are SURE different! The slow pace of Etsy takes some getting used to.
EBay. I've sold about 40 percent of what I listed, on auctions. I used to sell about 70 percent, but that was in eBay's salad days before a Republican CEO ruined it.
And I have had to learn that watchers are not as indicative of a sell as previously. Back in yore, if I had two watchers on an item I could pretty much be assured of some good bidding back and forth. Now, two watchers or more can also mean that the item is not even going to get one bid! Why would people watch something that they have no intention of bidding on? Are they sellers keeping an eye on the competition?
Once again, I encourage you all to carefully review what you throw away in terms of paper items. The market is still out there for vintage paper stuff.
So now I'm doing one of the things I love best. Scouring thrift shops and estate sales for ephemera.