Particularly jobs and payrolls EF-1 (See )
E.g. Bush's entire 8 year record: created 1.3 million payroll jobs - by creating 1.8 million government jobs and destroying 0.5 million private sector jobs. ( the actual numbers are, in thousands: Total: 1,282, Govt: 1,744, PrivateSector: -462 ). Yes, it is ironic that a supposed "small government conservative" ended up creating government jobs and destroying private sector jobs.
While Obama has gained 6.1 million jobs since the start of his presidency -- and that includes all of the jobs lost in the beginning of his presidency where he inherited an economic that lost 2.26 million jobs just in Bush's last 3 months -- an average of 753,000 lost jobs a month. If we ignored just the first 5 months of Obama's presidency -- as being job loss momentum from the Bush era -- Obama's job creation count would be 9.1 million).
Then there is the stock market - down 37% during the Bush 8 years. It has more than doubled under Obama (so much for businesses and investors not having confidence in Obama - a common rightie talking point). (See )
Then there's the dollar which supposedly has been destroyed by Obama and Federal Reserve policies
. . # Thus under G.W. Bush, the dollar index dropped 22.8%, from 110.66 to 85.38.
. . # Under Obama, it has RISEN 7.1% from 85.38 to 91.42 as of 1/5/15 close.
And that ruinous inflation? Still waiting and waiting..
Anyway, there's a lot more. I built the "DU website" in my signature line so others could have information at their fingertips -- WITH LINKS TO THE OFFICIAL SOURCES -- to counter this kind of sheer crap.