and both turned out to be hard core trumpers.
The first, was all about immigration. My parents are Mexican.
One was born and raised in Mexico, the other born in the US
but raised in Mexico. So this is an important issue with me.
Yet she didn't care. We should send "illegals" back.
The second, is all about business. Make more money. Money over everything.
She has books about improving herself, except 80% are based solely on money,
"How to make $1M", "Don't be afraid to be a Millionaire", ...
She once asked me that shouldn't a person be allowed to charge as much as
they can on the product they've invested in and/or created?
She did not like my response.
1) I believe in the theory of Supply & Demand.
Except in instances that are life & death.
No pharmaceuticals should be allowed to charge based on Supply & Demand
because it will cost people lives. Martin Shkreli, who's company raised the price
of an AIDS pill by a factor of 56 from $13.50 to $750 per pill.
Not to mention, Hospitals, Health Insurance companies ... it's all one big monopoly.
You get diagnosed with an illness, you can't shop around for the best priced treatment,
we are all pretty much tied to our hospital/doctor because of the health insurance we
2) I don't believe that Supply & Demand should apply to a captured market.
For example, I can only get San Diego Gas & Electric. They are owned by Sempra Energy.
I don't believe that they should be allowed to charge based on the S&D theory, because
we customers have no other option. We don't buy from SDG&E, we don't get electricity.
Gas & Electric companies used to be PUBLIC utilities where they were limited to around
8% profit.
3) I don't believe a company has the right to apply Supply & Demand Theory when their
product was first developed by the government (i.e. us). They've used our millions of $$$'s
to produce something like the internet, then they buy and make exorbitant money.
Where I live, I can only use COX as my sole provider for any telecommunications. Of
course I can use DirecTV Or DISH as well for TV, but I have to use COX for my internet
because no other company runs lines to my neighborhood. I can use other companies, but
COX as the right to the "LAST MILE" so these "other" companies would have to piggyback
onto COX line, so they still get a cut, which drives the "other" companies fees up, to the
point where they can't compete against COX!
We laid down the infrastructure to run their cables.
We built the power line infrastructure that allows Sempra to get their electricity from their
power plant to our homes.
We've already paid!!! Their product should be treated like a public utility and limit their profits.
So NO, I don't believe a company should be allowed to apply the theory of S&D and charge
as much as because they've invested in and/or created their product.
I'm sure there are other reasons, but these are the 3 main reasons.