daMillions of the working class have been sidelined by two major factors. The first and foremost is automation which will only intensify replacing millions more as it advances. The second and is globalization of the economy which will not be solved by tariff wars. This is the particular segment that the demagogues have exploited to gain support.
The fact is, just as Trump has demonstrated, they have no real solution to stop the inevitable march just as the Industrial Revolution transformed an agricultural economy. The tax cuts are a vicious sham that will in the end only worsen the plight of the working class since billions have been diverted that could have been expended to finance much need infrastructure improvements providing employment during this transition. Secondly, and more importantly, those funds could have provide the necessary training to achieve the skills that will be essential for survival in the near future. The entire standard of living for every nation will be dependent on how well the prepared their citizens for the demands of the Information Age.
Unless the situation can be dramatically changed the future for our nation and the wellbeing of our youth appears to especially less than enthusiastic. I have one question for those who support Sanders. Please inform me what is the difference between what he has been proposing in regard to the idiotic tariffs that Trump has imposed and pulling out of trade agreements. In regard to the latter, we are seeing the results of Trans-pacific fiasco. China has welcomed this with enthusiasm and is rapidly increasing its control over the Asian economy. The same applies for Single Payer Medical Insurance whose proponents fail to say how they can convince over 80 million Americans who have superior employer provided insurance to vote for what they consider to be a no win situation. I will remind people that Sander's track record for his grand proposals stands at two post offices renamed and a shoe in Vet bill.
I hear little to nothing in regard to addressing the future needs. Until I do, I will withhold my vote hoping for a more progressive candidate.