this was the late 80s early 90s. I had to make friends with the winter, since it comes on strong starting in October and ends in May. I made sure to have an exercise program going in the dark months--that was my Sun
--and really got into snowmobiling, X-country skiing and downhill, hiking and fishing and camping. I had the best times of my life up there and hiked some really tall mountains.
There is a core group of people who stay and end up being residents, while many other people come and go since they can't take the dark and cold. People help each other out up there, if you run off the road (and this is a part of life!) the next car will likely come to help dig you out or get help. Moose are everywhere, they are huge animals, I always said 'like a cow on stilts' LOL.
Yea there is a lot of drinking up there, but I had a blast. Actually it was living up there that made me realize I was a liberal since I made friends with a former Democratic state representative--Alaska will always live in my heart.