The guy is nuts. Here are his actual remarks:
The word fascism in Italian means a bundle of sticks, and what it means is the bundle is more important than the sticks. The institution, CDC and the vaccine program, is more important than the children that its supposed to protect. Its the same reason we had a pedophile scandal in the Catholic Church. Because people were able to convince themselves that the institution, the church, was more important than these little boys and girls who were being raped. And everybody kept their mouth shut. The press, the prosecutors, the priests, the bishops, the monsignors, the Vatican, and even the parents of the kids who just didnt want to believe it was happening, or believed so much in the church they were unwilling to criticize it. And you know, that is the perfect metaphor for whats happening to us. There have to be parents who stand up and say, We dont give a s---.
Is it hyperbole when I say these people should be in jail? They should be in jail and the key should be thrown away. What Jesus Christ says is that anybody who harms a hair of these little children that it would be better if a millstone was tied around their neck and they were thrown in the deepest part of the ocean and it would be better yet if they had never been born.
"To me this is like Nazi death camps, what happened to these kids. I cant tell you why somebody would do something like that. I cant tell you why ordinary Germans participated in the Holocaust.
Oh, theyve hidden it, and they wont let anybody in it, except their own guys who cherry-pick and design these fabricated studies and change the protocols constantly to try to use it to defend vaccines, Its being used instead to craft these fabricated, fraudulent studies by in-house bought-and-paid-for biostitutes to fool the public about vaccine safety.