The reason Congress didn't extend it after 1982 is because the USSC said any time limit was not binding on the amendment and was only advisory. That is direct from the horse's mouth, Laurence Tribe, who went before the court in the case National Organization for Women v. Idaho. The media did a total hatchet job then and now because they don't understand anything about it. They had a narrative Phyllis Schlafly, a right-wing hack who was also supported by the likes of the insurance industry, and her minions in the Eagle Forum and Stop ERA, "defeated" the amendment. They did no such thing.
Ask yourself why Congress didn't extend the amendment time limit further. There is NO answer but the USSC's decision on time limits re constitutional amendments. That is it.
States can't also change their minds once they have ratified an amendment. The only way a constitutional amendment can be overturned is with another one.
There are people here and over at Tribe's Substack who have the nerve to question whether he knows what he is talking about. He does, he argued the above case, and so does the American Bar Association, which Biden consulted.
There is really nothing else to talk about. People need to stop with the misinformation.