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In reply to the discussion: I can't get pass this! [View all]Artistree22
(61 posts)It's gonna be ugly for sure. Our ancestors survived struggles beyond our imaginations and we will survive this.
It's gonna be hardest for those who have the least already and we need to channel our energies locally and focus on building our communities of neighbors and friends.
Outrage overload is a thing BUT we can choose how much we consume. Look at media like hard liquor, NEVER in the morning and limited consumption or no consumption for a happier/healthier self.
Yesterday, I checked in here and the first thing I saw was an article about how SNAP benefits were going to be cut as well as other social programs that help the poor/children. They want to force birth but no help. Anyway, I was in a bad mood the rest of the day. These cuts may or may not happen but ultimately I have decide if I want every outrageous thing they say to affect me. The only way is less and sometimes no consumption of news/media and even my daily DU.
I'm going to hold on to the hope in our new crop of young reps and our senators will hold down the fort the best that they can. They are smarter than the r-wingers after all. What can I do that they can't do within the workings of our government?
We need to be mentally strong and any addictions (News junkie is an addiction) will only make our struggles harder.
love n peace