I am a cancer survivor with a Pot RX. Pot helped me get through it, and it helps me deal with the PTSD.
I grew up in the 60s, with all that means. But I didn't use pot for over 30 years, until I got cancer.
First, microdosing doesn't work in this context.
In a pill that size, I could get you way too stoned. (I grow my own, and make my own extract) There is such a thing, and it's no fun.
So... let me try to add some context. I usually grow pot that is low in THC and high in CBD. THC is hallucinogenic, CBD slows the parade down.
People dealing with serious pain gravitate to strains that are high THC and high CBD.
What I take I can notice, but you don't get messed up because I keep the dose small. If I increase the dose, the THC starts to be noticeable, and I get somewhat messed up.
What I think is going to happen has already started it. Precise dosing.
You can see it in legal states now. You can buy an edible with a precise dose. I saw an article about this gal somewhere on the West Coast who is making amazing desserts you can buy.
What follows after that is precise blends of the various active ingredients. You can see that, to a degree, now. But there's a lot of room for improvement, because there are a bunch of active ingredients, that make a difference, besides THC and CBD.
Lastly, the medical side to this needs to get a lot more medical. That means R&D, labratory testing, the same routine all drugs have to go through.
That's not the fault of Docs. Cancer Docs noticed all the way back in the 70s that the patients that smoked pot lived longer.