Related: About this forumGuns for marijuana users up in smoke - Proponents say not enough signatures collected
A lackluster signature-gathering process caused proponents to rethink the effort, perhaps regrouping for a later drive. Proponents have until July 29 to collect the 98,492 valid signatures needed to place the initiative on the Colorado ballot. Edgar Antillon, co-founder of Guns for Everyone and a lead proponent, said Wednesday that his group wont collect the necessary signatures.
It didnt happen for us this time, Antillon said. This time, were just going to have to call it what it is we failed.
The ballot initiative would amend statute to state that a sheriff must issue a permit to an applicant who is not an unlawful user of or addicted to a controlled substance. It would then state lawful use of marijuana shall not be cause for denying a permit to carry a concealed handgun.
Too soon?

Ruby the Liberal
(26,368 posts)
(17,208 posts)I thought this group was formed to post topics of interest related to cannabis. Maybe we should just post recipes for pot brownies and tell tall tales of the old days.
On second thought, leave the recipes out - we wouldn't want to encroach on the Cooking and Baking Group's turf - they're feisty.
(24,146 posts)i hadn't even heard about the petition. my sheriff is so hysterically anti-pot that this is the type of thing i figured would have popped up on his facebook feed.
(17,208 posts)I'm not a 2A fetishist or a gun grabber, but I do get pissed off at discrimination against mj users. Whether it's the right to bear arms, or the right to employment, there is no reason to accept 2nd class citizenship status.
(24,146 posts)it's an issue that never even occurred to me. sounds like they did a poor job of getting the word out.