This is what really pisses me off about the "party leaders."
I was reading an article regarding the whole Clinton email brouhaha and how that has some in the Democratic Party considering whether there should be some "white knight" to rescue the party in her poor standing. No big surprise there. But this passage in particular stuck out as offensive to me:
If party leaders see a scenario next winter where Bernie Sanders has a real chance at the Democratic nomination, I think theres no question that leaders will reach out to Vice President Biden or Secretary of State Kerry or even Gore about entering the primaries, said Garnet F. Coleman, a Texas state lawmaker and Democratic national committeeman.
Anyone else as disgusted as I am by the sentiments on display here?! I thought we had moved beyond the bullshit of the past; that our nominees be selected by the privileged party insiders instead of the people. Apparently not! No offense intended toward Secretary of State John Kerry, but I do not want Democratic candidates for President backed by the full faith and credit of the fucking Carlyle Group! They are part of the problem in this country, not the solution! We The People are the "white knight" (Christ, I loathe that phrase) the Democratic Party should be seeking and taking their fucking cues from! If We The People decide we want Bernie Sanders as our President, here's the cue the Democratic Party Leaders should be taking: take our lead and give this man your full support or fuck off and resign because that fucking attitude is the same attitude Kissinger had toward the Chileans prior to installing Pinochet and has no place in a democratic or Democratic society. I am sick and fucking tired of seeing the people divided and conquered by "party leaders" who think they know better. This shit's got to go!
(45,851 posts)being dishonest and self-serving,
presenting facile common sense analyses as Great Wisdom, and
consistently getting political predictions or policy recommendations wrong.
While the term originated from the irreverent blogger Duncan Black (Atrios), it was picked up and popularized by Paul Krugman.[2]
(8,697 posts)These people are legends in their own mind.
(23,730 posts)robertpaulsen
(8,697 posts)MisterP
(23,730 posts)it's not their fault if none of the voters responded to it
(18,998 posts)To the right wing and TPTB it could well have been perfection.
After all under Democratic leadership they got to keep their tax cuts, and continue to add to the funding of the MIC, private prison industry, militarized cops, keep Gitmo in operation and a host of other things given to us by Bush.
What's not to like about that for them?
(45,251 posts)The song was Destiny's Child's Say My Name.
It's almost like the classic Who's on First routine, except DWS would have blown that--and not in a fun way--by pretending she didn't hear the question. *
You can't have been a Democratic Member of the U.S. House or Senate under President Obama and pretend you never heard of him or his policies. DWS tried to run a Jedi mind trick campaign without knowing diddly about Jedi mind tricks. It was literally an epic fail.
Worst results for Democrats at every level of government since 1928--which, not coincentally, was the last America was without FDR's domestic policies. Indeed, 2014's results were even worse than the results of 2010, when fellow Third Wayer, Tim Kaine, headed the DLC/DNC and handed redistricting power to the Republicans.
"Wake up, America," indeed.
*I deleted a link to a newsmax story about Debbie refusing to say Obama's name on a Morning Joe show. I had seen that show and thought I was linking to a video of that segment, but there was no video at the link. I will try to find the video. It was embarrassing.
(26,549 posts)Warpy
(113,131 posts)If they did and stayed away from their usual upper middle class house parties, they might learn a thing or two. They might learn that "business as usual" lost them the House in 2010 and kept it out of their hands in 2014, along with the Senate. They might learn that "business as usual" is just what people don't want, since it's been killing 99% of us financially. They'd find out we don't want handouts like the Republicans tell them we do, we want jobs that pay us enough to live on. They might find out a lot of us have gone into debt to "retrain," only to find out the jobs we retrained for got sent overseas during the time we were in school. They might find out how sick we are of seeing everything going to 0.1% of the people in this country while we work longer hours and haven't had vacations in years. They might begin to understand just how close this country is getting to revolution, and how both Sanders and Trump are evidence of this, a complete rejection of both party leaderships and their "business as usual."
It's not going to sell any longer, guys, and if you don't find out why, you'll be the first to go.
(2,717 posts)what the Democratic party does best.