“You Fly to the Edge of the Tar Sands, and ... No Life”
University of Montana professor George Price on permaculture, race, and how he's standing up to tar sands extraction.
This article is an interview of George Price, a University of Montana professor of African American and Native American Studies ... by Sarah van Gelder for YES! Magazine.
The article tells about the struggles of Montana Native Americans and about coal tar sands extraction.
I think this article is important to show this specific struggle, which is almost invisible in the Corp-Media, but to also show that there are more and more individual protesting happening around the country and world of peoples fighting back against the oppression of uncontrolled capitalism.
George Price explains about the organization, Indian Peoples Action:
In this quote, George Price speaks about the terrible ecological disaster of coal tar extraction:
In this quote George Price IMO makes it clear that fights for racial justice must include the fight for economic justice (let's question the whole paradigm.).
Please read the complete article here: http://www.yesmagazine.org/edge-of-change/you-fly-to-the-edge-of-the-tar-sands-and-no-life-20150828?utm_source=YTW&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=20150828
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(39,909 posts)I thought this one would give some people an idea,
but the size of this destruction is unimaginable.
I'll bet you can see the Tar Sands destruction from space.
No wonder the Earth hates us.
(21,363 posts)rhett o rick
(55,981 posts)Mnemosyne
(21,363 posts)rhett o rick
(55,981 posts)above the health of the planet. And the Corp-Media is complicit.
(21,363 posts)leave us peasants to suffer from it. Hope the Martians kick their asses off asap after they get there.
Dont call me Shirley
(10,998 posts)eppur_se_muova
(38,528 posts)
Actually, the photos from the ground make the bigger impression ... for scale, note the four dumptrucks lining up to approach the huge orange cranes in the foreground ...
(14,721 posts)AlbertCat
(17,505 posts)Well, the "u" and the "i" are right next to each other...
Anyway..... even if one didn't now about this, tar sand oil is, I'm told, dirty and low grade and cost more to refine. And we're still running out sooner or later....
(8,697 posts)That the health of our environment is tied directly to the health of our communities - that encompasses economic and racial justice. Our current paradigm is the reason why our environment and community is so unhealthy. Price is right to question it - as should we all.
rhett o rick
(55,981 posts)Bill USA
(6,436 posts)rosesaylavee
(12,126 posts)He is taking his photographs on tour and I think he replicates this TED talk as he goes around the continent talking about this absolutely horrifying thing we are not hearing about otherwise.
Check this out: http://www.ted.com/talks/garth_lenz_images_of_beauty_and_devastation
His photography website is: http://www.garthlenz.com/
According to friends of friends, the Canadian Govt follows him around, requesting he not communicate this issue so boldly. He's a brave man to stand up a trillion dollar business. We need more like him.
More info here: http://oilsandstruth.org/