The campaign to ignore neo-liberal economic destruction
Kudos to the architects of the campaign
to diminish and subvert the public
outrage and collective misery wrought
by neo-liberal policies.
Since the financial meltdown and formation
of OWS there has been a growing public
outcry against the political and business interests
which have destroyed the middle-class, and
made the working poor desperately impoverished.
The marked turn from economic concerns,
which are at the root of most of our social
injustices, has been supplanted by political
theater, stunts and concerted effort to
minimize the interrelated elements of
race, gender, and economic class.
Populist champions such as Senators
Warren and Sanders are being marginalized
and debased on "social issues", most disturbingly
by fellow Democrats and aided by a complicit MSM.
We are witnessing an inversion of the DLC/3rd-Way
memes of "ponies", "magic wands", and "messiahs".
Apparently, Bernie SHOULD be promising ponies?
Apparently Bernie has a magic wand to solve
social problems with hundred year histories?
Apparently, it's OK to reject a great candidate
because they are not "perfect"?
Lets get out of the weeds and back on track.
We Will Win