Good News
Related: About this forumI'm a little embarrassed, but I was on receiving end of a good deed today.
I don't talk about it much, but I have an incurable disease known as IPF (or Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis). It means that I have developed scar tissue on my lungs which restricts my breathing. You wouldn't have a clue if you saw me sitting on a park bench. I've slimmed down to my ideal weight, hair is thinning a bit but not bald, and all things considered I look pretty good. However I can't walk from one room to the next without getting short of breath.
So, when the Mrs. asks me to run to the store and pick up a few things, I'm more than happy to go, hang my handicapped placard on my rearview mirror and grab one of those electric shopping cards and get what we need. So today I had a pretty full cart and got into the checkout line. There was a woman ahead of me of didn't look a whole lot younger than me. She had loaded her groceries onto the belt and was waiting for the woman ahead of her to finish paying. She turned around to me and said: "Here, let me load your groceries onto the belt so you don't have to get up" and proceeded to do so.
Some people seem to think that if you don't have an obvious handicap you are riding in a card because you are lazy, or having fun. Others just assume if you are in a cart it is because you need one. The woman ahead of me in line was one of the latter. I thanked her for her concern and for assuming not all handicaps have to be visible to be real.
So thank you unknown shopper for being helpful to a stranger.

(21,320 posts)dchill
(41,557 posts)guillaumeb
(42,649 posts)It is easy to get caught in the trap of focusing only on Trump, and the GOP, but there is much good in the world.
(10,212 posts)And I am happy you shared this story with us, we need to hear more like this....
(26,793 posts)It reminds me of an inspirational phrase I just learned: assume positive intent. ❤
(16,457 posts)stonepounder. We need to hear these stories badly these days it seems.
Im very sorry to hear of your IPF. My family has a history of IPF so I know exactly what you and your wife and family are going through. Sending you good vibes and making another contribution to the PF Foundation. God bless, take care and thanks so much for the positivity.
(14,663 posts)Depending on dosage, may help cure depression, sadness, emptiness, anxiety and social isolationism.
Take daily or as needed. No need to consult your doctor.
Thank you for sharing, Stonepounder.
(34,502 posts)when there was a man behind me with one of those carts. He probably could have used the help. To tell you the truth, I just wanted out of there he had run into be from behind 3 times standing in check out but if I had thought I would have helped him. He did not hit me on purpose, he probably did need the help.
Thank you for posting this, it made a difference with me and I will remember this. I was nice to the guy, not mean or nasty at all but still, he probably needed the help. Next time I will be that lady.
live love laugh
(15,024 posts)Just kidding.
Thats a great act of kindness. I am inspired to one-up your helper.
(90,319 posts)