Good News
Related: About this forum20 of History's Greatest Inventions ..(we often take for granted...don't we?)
(1,975 posts)or the rest! Humans never cease to amaze.
Stuart G
(38,726 posts)In the late 70s or early 80s..(don't recall which) I took a course on what computers will become. Actually it was a lecture or two on predictions, possibilities , and outcomes of the coming so called, "computer age"...
It was called that then...but the professor said, (back then) that one day we would have hand held computers that would be so cheap that everyone could afford one..I remember basically laughing at what he said, and saying that is impossible. Short time later..(a couple of years later we did have small adding machines which would almost be considered a for runner of early computers...some were indeed hand held..(I thought then...early 80s...maybe that guy could someday be correct..some day...???)
Well, some day has arrived. Not only are the computers hand held, they double as adding machines and telephones, and yes, you can even send messages over them. As well as they will give you voice answers to questions..(no I don't have one of those yet, ...but I may buy one)..
(1,975 posts)At the time, at work, my "computer" was in a whole room by itself! Seriously, an 18x12 ROOM that had to be kept cold - in Florida!
Adding machines were still hand-levered (remember the ka-chunk sound).
My first purchase of a computer for home was in 1990. It took up my whole desk. The kitty loved it - it was warm on top!
Stuart G
(38,726 posts)a folder...It kind of opened up into a screen. It cost $3000 back then...(maybe 10,000 in today's money)..
It sat on his lap,..and connected to something called the "internet"..He showed me a site called the "White House. gov..., and then shared some articles that Al Gore wrote for that site.
..I was amazed by the computer and the site too. 2 or 3 years later..not sure, the library where I went to read newspapers from around the nation..had a few computers, which one could reserve for an hour, and connected to that so called, "internet"...In 2001, on the day of the 9/11 attack, I was sitting in that section of the library where the computers were, and I was at one of the computers..(maybe there were 6 in that room.) and someone said, "switch to this, and there it was instant news on the attack on 9/11) Pictures and info on the attack..From then on, I would go to the library when they opened up, (yes, I was retired then) and always got one of the computers at the beginning of the day. In 2007 or 8 or whenever, I got mine, and have been hooked on it ever since..
Proof: I swore that I would only spend a half hour on it today...and it has been 3 or 4 hours or more...
(1,975 posts)My father-in-love (hubby's dad) was amazed because it wasn't on local television yet. Mesmerized. We got him a connection for his room (basically bedridden, and he loved it). When he could get out and about, we got him a handheld for the yard.
I still miss him. He had retired way before computers were common in the workplace. He thought electronic typewriters were "odd".
(1,576 posts)japple
(10,453 posts)FSogol
(47,229 posts)No other device has so vastly improved society's health than the toilet.
Stuart G
(38,726 posts)no other device has so vastly improved society's health than the flush toilet...Now...I recall......
back in the day..many years ago, I went to Boy Scout Camp..If you wanted to poop, then you had to use an outhouse..everyone used that one.
... And when you went in you washed the seat to clean it up. Furthermore, we took turns in the early morning cleaning it up. All around. So, in the morning it was clean and ready to be used, but then as the day went on, it was supposed to be cleaned again, and again. Now, this was a while ago..let's see...
....Close to 60 years ago..give or take a year.
..And I remember having to clean that place...Cleaning was one smelly job...sorry, but I had to post this. If it made you sick, well, it made me sick too. (just thinking about that chore 60 years ago...I think I only had to clean it twice..since everyone took turns, and there were thirty scouts in that part of the camp) but that is what I did. No flush toilets there...I was glad to get back to the city where we had flush toilets..