This message was self-deleted by its author
This message was self-deleted by its author (withoutapaddle) on Sat Feb 10, 2018, 03:44 PM. When the original post in a discussion thread is self-deleted, the entire discussion thread is automatically locked so new replies cannot be posted.
Evergreen Emerald
(13,095 posts)You are strong, as evidenced by your success. You are bad ass, as evidenced by your willingness to stand up to the perpetrator despite the culture of victim blaming.
I am sorry you were treated poorly by the system designed to protect us. I was a part of that system for about a decade. As much as we try to fight against this--the system, combined with our culture. can be used as a shield for the perpetrator: victim blaming, "he said, she said" the scrutiny of the victim's response during the attack instead of the perpetrator's actions, to name a few.
Your voice is vital to changing the culture.
Thank you for your bravery.
(263 posts)I knew I had to stand up and come forward. The truly brave ones were the women who stood by me and came forward with what had happened to them. I had only worked there for 5 months when this happened. The other women had endured horrors for years.
I was proud of my work as a funeral director and honored to serve the families of my area when they needed someone the most.
I rarely leave my house anymore. Believe it or not, lots of big money was interested in keeping what happened quiet. I had uncovered embezzlement of prepaid funds and reported it to the state insurance board. They refused to issue a public notice to let people know that their prepaid funerals might be fakes. My fight is on mute for the time being.
They say you can only get stronger....hell better watch out if that happens... lol
Evergreen Emerald
(13,095 posts)Do you need to seek whistleblower protection?
Your feelings are perfectly normal. It takes time. And bravery is acting despite your feelings!
You are as impressive as the other women who stood by you.
(263 posts)It means a lot to share something like this and to have kind words and encouragement in return.
I don't have any social media or blogs. I just recently started posting here at DU again, trying to learn how to interact with people again.