Wide-ranging interfaith coalition backs ‘Freedom of Religion’ bill to stop Trump ban on Muslims
D.C. Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton addressing a press conference on the Freedom of Religion Act. (Photo: Wilson Dizard)
Wilson Dizard on May 12, 2016 27
The Freedom of Religion Act introduced Wednesday in the House of Representatives tries to stop Donald Trump’s “temporary’” ban on Muslims entering the country. And this is before he even becomes president, which polls show is a real possibility, at least in a match up against Secretary Hillary Clinton. Incredible.
The FOR Act expands the age-old prohibition on religious tests on public office, a previously uncontroversial part of the Constitution, to prohibit religious tests that would bar entry into the country based on a person’s faith.
‘‘Notwithstanding any other provision of the immigration laws, an alien may not be denied admission to the United States because of the alien’s religion or lack of religious beliefs,’’ the bill states succinctly.
If America were a person, the bill would be the equivalent of writing a sticky note reminder not to eat shards of glass or drink paint. But dozens of congressional sponsors along with civil society and religious groups, representing a range of faiths, think America needs that reminder not to willfully self-destruct. Indeed, the lawmakers want to make a law, just to be safe. So far, the bill does not have a co-sponsor in the senate.