Pew Research Center: A third of gun owners think gun violence is a serious issue
Which evidently means that two-thirds are NRA/ILA/GOA/ALEC apologists who believe that gun violence is a Liberal Democratic-inspired myth aimed at taking away their precious: "Owning a gun appears to affect how Americans view the scope of gun violence in the United States. Half of all adults say American gun violence is a very big problem but only 33 percent of gun owners do."
Some snippets from the study:
"The Pew survey found that attitudes around gun policy and ownership break down largely along partisan lines, but overall, the majority of Americans favor universal background checks and gun prohibitions for terror suspects and the mentally ill."
"Nearly a third of Americans own guns, the study found, and a disproportionate amount of gun owners are white, male, Republican, middle-aged, and living in rural areas."
"More than half of all respondents said gun laws should be stricter. The survey found some areas of policy agreement among gun owners and non-gun-owners: Majorities of both groups favor background checks for private sales and at gun shows, as well as limiting access to guns for people with mental illnesses and those on no-fly or terror-watch lists."
"More than 100,000 people are struck by a bullet each year in America, according to the Centers for Disease Control. This pervasiveness turns up among the Pew polls respondents."
Contrary to what NRA/ILA/GOA/ALEC apologists would have you believe, the majority of the general public wants stricter gun control measures to curb the gun violence epidemic in this country. The Holy Second Amendment (to Republicans and other extremists) does not grant the unlimited right to "bear" a gun in the public venue, and even a right-wing scumbag like Scalia recognized that fact.